Earlier this summer, we returned to Noisily Festival for the seventh time. After the fun was over, I found myself reflecting on how this festival has not only shaped my life but also deepened my passion for coffee. Some might say Common was born out of Noisily, but that’s a story for another day. This year, however, was special. We introduced a new concept at Noisily: The Treasury. Our vision was to blend coffee, cocktails, music, and art into an interactive hospitality experience.
But The Treasury wasn’t always a fully formed idea. About a year ago, it was just a spark of inspiration. It evolved from a simple concept into sketches, refinements, and eventually a presentation. And for a long time, that’s all it was – just a presentation. Six weeks before the festival, it was still just an idea on paper.
Over the past year, The Treasury went through multiple iterations, but the core idea remained consistent: a space for people to reconnect, renourish, and relax amid the vibrant, and sometimes overwhelming, festival atmosphere. We realised that the venue we envisioned didn’t yet exist at the festival, so we decided to create it ourselves.
Fortunately, the festival organisers shared our vision. At what felt like the eleventh hour, they gave us the green light to bring The Treasury to life. When someone else sees merit in your idea, it’s incredibly rewarding. But when they trust you to execute it, the feeling is a mix of excitement, gratitude, and a healthy dose of anxiety.
I’ve come to realise that my mind is always churning out new ideas. I love dreaming about what’s possible and figuring out how to make it a reality. But not every idea should be pursued – some are better left on the cutting room floor, while others…well, who knows where they might lead? To distinguish between the good, the bad, the wild, and the impossible, you need honest but supportive friends, family, and a willing audience.
So there we were, with an idea on paper and only six weeks until the festival. While Bobby, Rory and I might have conceived The Treasury, it was going to take a community of friends and family to bring this ambitious vision to life. And as we soon learned, not every aspect of our idea was perfect – it needed refinement.
On the eve of the festival, standing in front of The Treasury, I had two thoughts. First, it was incredible how this idea had materialised in just six weeks. I felt privileged to work with such ambitious friends who shared my enthusiasm for bringing an idea to life. Second, I realised that once an idea is shared, it no longer belongs to any one person. What we ultimately created was shaped by everyone involved. There was a story behind every piece of artwork, every friendship, every note of music, and every dish and drink served. Each person contributed a part of themselves to The Treasury, making the end result far greater than we had ever imagined.
One of the most remarkable things about testing an idea in a festival setting, especially with such a tight timeline, is that you don’t have time to overthink – you just dive in. And once the festival begins, feedback is immediate, which can be a beautiful thing. The Treasury will evolve and grow from where it started.
My one key takeaway from this experience? Our ideas are shaped by the environments we’re in and the people we surround ourselves with. Throughout this content series, we are exploring the role coffee plays in connecting us all and the ideas that evolve from those conversations. Stay tuned.